In Him I Trust


Pocket Questions – what are they?

by admin target 20 Apr 2017


I know we are all expected to enter the room, greet the SP and carry out a smooth co- ordinated encounter. Wouldn't we all like to be fluent, coherent, well modulated, asking the next question without missing a beat (though our heart is skipping beats), smiling (though tensed) and pretend we have it all under control ………until it comes to that "POINT" ……….YES ……..POINT BLANK……..where you are just blank…….What do I ask next ? What case is this I am dealing with? Did I already ask this? Gosh …God help me…..…… Now here's where you use what I call "the pocket" questions. • Do you have any fever? • Any headache? • Any rash? • Do you feel cold when others don't? • Has there been any changes in your weight recently? • How is your apetite? • Do you exercise ? All these questions can be asked for any case in the exam (any abdominal, chest, cns case). You wont sound inappropriate or obscure! So instead of stammering, stuttering..(uh……..ah……umm…) and getting further worked up……….Just HAVE THEM IN YOUR POCKET. They can come in handy! P.S. Hopefully you are again back on track with your line of questioning, ruling in or out the DD's. Cheer up!
