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Step 2 CS Scheduling amidst Corona (Covid-19) Pandemic

by admin target 27 Apr 2020


To get a date for CS has been difficult in the past and hence requires much planning ahead of time. We must do our homework every day and that is keep tracking once the step 2 cs scheduling opens up The Step 2 CS schedule is available online at The Step 2 CS schedule allows the examinee to book their date for up to 1 year in any of the 5 exam centers. Don’t worry about the center where you are going to take the exam as there aren't any IMG friendly centers since this is a standardized exam. As we keep tracking for dates, we must consider one important question and that is “How do I prepare for my exams?” Amidst the situation that’s going on throughout the world now, we must be prepared. Since the application season will start from June till September, many would be waiting to take the test. During this time, one should be prepared to take the exam and prepare the required documents that are needed for visa, stays in USA, search for USCE (clerkships /externships /observerships) in universities so that can be completed while visiting United States. It would be wise to get ready now and not wait for a cs prep after the dates have opened up for step 2 cs scheduling. Target USMLE has been traditionally popular for its online courses with 97% pass rate. You can prepare from anywhere in the world while you wait for the CS dates to open up. The horse should be ready for the battle before the usmle step 2 cs dates open up!