Hello there! Each one of us have our own story to tell about our journey through medical school and USMLE licensing exams. This uniquely long journey is punctuated with many emotions, trials and by life itself that just happens to unfold in its own timeline. In this book I share some lessons I learned along the way, a few insights I wish somebody had told me when I started the USMLE journey and some powerful words and work ethics that kept me going even though I felt like I was stepping out the boat and walking on water. Remember to keep looking to the Light ahead and keep moving forward one step at a time. One day you will step into the light at the end of this dark tunnel, so that you can be a light to others!
Step 2 CS Schedule 2020 When should I schedule my exam? Where should I write my exam? How am I going to get dates? These are question that pop into our heads when we plan to take step 2 CS. Well now this is the major questions we ask ourselves amidst of the corona virus pandemic affecting the whole world. This corona virus spread has affected our exams, travelling and day to day life, but mostly it affected our future plans.
Before you begin browsing the internet for CS courses these are 4 things you should know. 1. Know that Step 2 CS cannot be mastered in 3 or 4 or 5 days course. The course can download all the information but YOU got to get ready by a) knowing what is the right method i.e one that gets you a ICE, SEP & CIS PASS b) practicing with SPs c) get used to analyzing the DDs under time pressure d) finally to be able to pull it off by typing patient note ( that gets an ICE pass)
Most students fail Step 2 CS because they dont take the time to understand what this exam is about and how to ace it confidently. A step 2 CS fail can keep you from getting a residency interview. Knowing the truth can set you free!
Have you ever had that terrible feeling when you attend an exam being unprepared? Or worse, what happens with your life if you FAIL it? Well, guess what, life goes on.
I'm pretty sure about what you're thinking …….. "What? Who cares how good I wash my hands on the exam. I am already running out of time here…it is an awkward silence when my mind is racing as to what system I am going to examine …..the point is that I wash my hands. Right?" Correct…… I hear you ……