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The Criteria for Passing The STEP 2 CS Exams

by admin target 25 Oct 2017


USMLE Steps 2 cs exam assesses the examinee's ability to apply their medical knowledge towards a controlled clinical setting.


Why Medical Students Fail The STEP 2 CS Exam

by admin target 18 Oct 2017


Almost a third of the medical students have failed the STEP 2 CS exam on their first attempt. Fortunately, by knowing how and why students fail can help you avoid the same mistakes.


How to Sail Through With The Proper Step 2 CS Preparation

by admin target 11 Oct 2017


Step 2 CS is basically designed to test your ability to perform in a practical environment. Students are tested on written and verbal skills as well as the ability to carry out physical examinations and taking a proper medical history


Step 2 CS video tips

by admin target 04 Oct 2017


Action speaks louder than words! As per the old adage seeing some step 2 cs video tips takes your step 2 cs preparation to a newer level than just reading tons and tons of notes and mnemonics. Step 2 cs video tips help you to see what is being said in text books in a practical and presentable manner.
