✔ Clinical Rotations Prep
✔ M3 – M4 clerkship prep
✔ USCE IMG course
✔ Clerkship course IMG
✔ Target USMLE Clinical Skills Online
Video Lectures and Demos (STEP 1-6)
✔ Target USMLE Clinical Skills
Self Help e-Handbook
✔ CS Handbook 5 stars in Amazon Reviews
✔ YouTube success stories of students
✔ 14 years of making competent physicians
✔ 111 countries - 97% pass rate
✔ Online Course designed by Dr. June
(Co-author First Aid for USMLE Clinical Skills Book 3rd edition)
STEP 1 gives an overview of a case from start to finish -initial case info, HPI, Past History, General Exam, summary and closure
STEP 2 reviews what history questions to ask in each system and why you need to ask them e.g. respiratory, neuro case etc
STEP 3 reviews how to quickly examine a specific system +associated system +special tests, transitions, paraphrasing, challenging Qs
STEP 4 gives a table of differential diagnosis for each complaint (system wise) e.g. Chestpain, LOC, palpitation etc under cardio
STEP 5 shows 10 full patient encounters showing how to put all that you learned in Step 1-4 in a cohesive manner -All 10 systems
STEP 6 shows what to type in patient notes in History, PE, Differentials, and workup - how to think and type efficiently Email SOAP Note template
E-Handbook gives a go along lecture notes to the step videos along with patient note samples, challenging questions
General Case
10 kickstarters
General Exam
System wise
History taking
Cardio History
Respi History
Abdomen History
Nervous History
Joint History
Obs/Gyn History
HEENT History
PAED History
PSYCH History
Physical Exam
Cardio PE
Respi PE
Abdomen PE
Nervous PE
Joint PE
Challenging Qs
Blue Sheet Writing
SPL Tests
Interactive Tables
Cardio DDs
Respi DDs
Abdomen DDs
Nervous DDs
Joint DDs
Obs/Gyn DDs
Psych DDs
Genitouinary DDs
General DDs
Full 15 Min
Patient Note
4 Videos Live
“When you interact with a patient, your mouth does not ask and your eye does not see,, what your mind does not know” – Dr. June
This online comprehensive Online Clinical Skills review course is designed for the medical student who wants to be confident in clinical skills before entering clerkship and during clerkship. We all know each patient encounter is unique and each attending adds his own personal insight, experience and knowledge while teaching a medical student. Target USMLE teaches you the foundation of clinical skills so you can walk into the hospital /clinic with confidence knowing exactly what questions you have to ask your patient and which physical exam to perform and why, intelligently discuss your differential diagnosis with your senior resident/attending, arrive at the proper differential diagnosis, think of lab work and finally write patient notes.
When you do not know the basics, everything single thing you see or hear or touch in a clinical setting is new and the information download becomes overwhelming to a medical student. Hence we humbly suggest that as a medical student and a new budding doctor in the making, you build your strong foundation with Target USMLE comprehensive clinical Skills Review course and on top of that solid foundation, build a beautiful monument from every new brick of insight you get from an attending, a patient or a colleague. Remember as a doctor you are a life long learner!
Target Online Clinical Skills review course is designed for clerkship clinical year (M3, M4), IMG’s (International medical graduates) seeking USCE (US clinical experience) for observerships, externship, sub-internship, medical students trying to pass the school OSCE’s and others requiring to pass clinical skills for their school requirements for graduation, ECFMG certification and residency Match. Target USMLE clinical skills review course will also help you to increase your USMLE scores on USMLE STEP1 and USMLE Step 2 CK to understand the clinical vignettes in the question to arrive at a correct answer.
“Dr. June” has meticulously designed this program for an average medical student trying to acquire clinical skills in an organized fashion to become the best doctor he/she can become. She is the Co-author of First Aid of the USMLE step 2 CS (3rd edition) (as Dr. Mary Iruthayanathan) and Author of the Target USMLE Clinical skills handbook (Amazon) and Online Clinical Skills Review Course and Founder-Chief Educator at Target USMLE.
Remember YOU can only be YOUR best (not someone else’s best). At Target USMLE our goal is to help you shine at YOUR best as a medical student and as a future doctor – a clinically competent, caring, compassionate physician who helps heal and gives hope to the sick and the ailing around the world.